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Data-driven emojis that optimize your conversion rate

📈 Boost your click-through rate using the right emoji at the right time.

🛒 Increase your engagement, leads, and sales.

🌎 Step up your Conversion Optimization game by leveraging the fastest growing language on the planet.

Smart Emojis—our flagship product

A Smart Emoji™ is an HTML tag that you add to your website instead of a regular emoji. As the webpage is being loaded, our predictive engine chooses the perfect emoji that maximizes your click-through and conversion rate and improves your messaging.

Data-driven dashboard

Data-Driven Technology

Emojis are more than just silly icons. Emoji is a language. It can be used to convey meanings and call others to action.

Take your Conversion Optimization efforts to the next level by using data-driven emojis that work towards your goals.

  • For businesses, that can mean increasing your engagement, leads, and ultimately sales.
  • For non-profit organizations, that can mean getting your message across, getting more volunteers to sign up, and collecting more donations.

Making business decisions based on various factors.

Predictive Power

Our technology knows which emoji works best for you and your audience in any given context. Better than any individual ever could.

The predictive engine that powers Smart Emojis™, chooses the optimal emoji every time, based on the following criteria:

  • Context: The words and sentences surrounding the emoji
  • Brand voice: Your brand's style of communication
  • Audience segment: Your particular customer segment and target audience
  • Engagement: How much your audience engages with different emojis
  • Click-through and conversion rate: What percentage of your audience would click through if a particular emoji is used? And what percentage of those would convert to paying customers?

The end result is an emoji that maximizes your click-through and conversion rate, while improving your messaging.

Emoji Genius is easy to use.

Autonomous and Foolproof

In your personalized dashboard, you can see how your emojis are performing. You can also see why our predictive engine has selected a certain emoji for a specific audience segment or a specific spot on your website.

Or, you can just set it and forget it! Smart Emojis will do the job for you. No supervision required.

People communicating on social media

Communicate with Confidence

Ever used the wrong emoji at the wrong place and embarrassed yourself? Ever struggled to communicate clearly using emojis? No more guesswork!

Smart Emojis prevent any misunderstandings with your diverse audience. Our comprehensive Emoji Profiles contain all the possible meanings of every emoji in different cultures around the world. Based on this information, Smart Emojis avoid any emoji that can be perceived as inappropriate or distasteful in that context by your particular audience segments.

You don't need any experience with emojis to benefit from Smart Emojis™.

Emojis that Convert: Unleash the Power of Smart Emojis™

Harness the Predictive Power of Smart Emojis™ for Higher Conversions. Sign up now!